February 23, 2005


Starting New

Okay, I've had another "personal blog," but I've left it dormant for so long I've decided to start a new one and start the posting process all over again. Try to get stuff down in it on a more daily basis. Couple times a week anyway. I'm online enough, but I don't do anything constructive most if the time. I call myself a digital historian, but the only one who see all I record is me. I only wish I could directly translate my thoughts to posts - then I would be able to keep this post going ALL the time. I think at least ten times what I ever say, and often create blog posts in my head that never make it past my mind to my keyboard. I don't know who is going to end up reading this blog, but to whoever does, this should be a more accurate representation of who I am. I don't mean to change the content of what I was writing, just the frequency. I guess I didn't really need to start a new blog, but I feel like maybe it will help me to post more frequently. I'm not doing this for anyone out there though - I'm doing this for myself. I need to write more, and this medium is as good as any other. Plus, if I write more, I will get to know myself better, and be able to vocalize my thoughts better. Since everything I am doing right now is toward the ultimate goal of being a writer, this is a good exercise for me. The only thing I ask is if you read this blog, and enjoy it, please let me know is some way or another. Thanks so much. In the words of Aslan, "Onwards and Upwards!"
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