October 28, 2005

One of my struggles as a Christian is that I've never felt like I was a particularly "joyful" one - it's been something I've grappled with - how does one become joyful? You know - the whole "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Never really flet that in my life. Anyway, just was reading in my new copy of "My Utmost for His Highest" - and for October 27th Chambers talks about when the disciples came back from their first sending out, all amazed and "joyful" because of the power they had had in what they had done. Basically, Jesus sets them straight, saying, in Oswald's words, "Don't rejoice in succesful service; the great secret of joy is that you are rightly related to Me."

That was a bit of a new thought to me of having that be the basis of Christian joy. Good stuff to chew on, good stuff to live by. I pray that my relationship with God does become the basis of joy in my life.

October 27, 2005

That was fun - I just danced around in the kitchen while doing dishes and listening to Kool & The Gang's "Celebration" turned up really loud on the radio - good times.

October 07, 2005

Well, I finally took the plunge and registered a domain name for myself. It's something I actually put a bit of thought into. It needed to fulfill several requirements, and up until a couple weeks ago, everything I'd come up with had already been taken. I needed it to reflect, as much as possible, not only the intent and essence of my photography, but also of my poetry, and of myself. And that includes my being a Christian, being someone reflective, someone that you can't get to know at first glance. I'd toyed with names like "Ekphrasis," which fulfilled the artistic side of things, as well as the personal to some degree, but when I checked it out it was already taken. Anyway, in addition to what I wanted the name to convey, it also had to be something short, something easy to remember when I tell people about it, something that I could use professionally, and something that had the .com extension available. It just makes things easier.
I wanted to incorporate the idea of light into the name somehow (like a site I admire called sensitivelight.com), to turn thoughts to the practice of photography, and its really being all about light and shadow. It had to be more than just a simple "light" name though. But it needed to be a simple name, nonetheless. Enough suspense - I chose DeeperLight.com. I thought of it a while back, as I said, checked and found out that it was available, thought about how/if it would work for everything I wanted it to convey, mulled it over, started checking to see who was good to register it through (I chose godaddy.com - Glen used them, and from all I could tell they are really an industry leader) - and finally, tonight I registered. I know people do this kind of thing all the time, but I plan to b with this name for a long time, so it was a big deal for me. I just registered for five years, and don't have a host yet, so there's no *real* webpage yet (godaddy.com provides a parked page for you), but it's mine.

DeeperLight.com - I can't wait to make it into all I've imagined. Pictures, poetry, wisdom, God - I want to have it all on there.

On a side note, I had a fun night tonight. I won at poker again. Last week I went out in seven hands I think, but tonight I went all the way. YeHaa.

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