February 27, 2005

Well I had a full day. So much stuff happened, the problem is trying to figure out how to relate it all. Pictures will be coming shortly, but suffice it to say at the moment that my day today included seeing my mom, breaking the golf cart that I borrowed from work, seeing a really amazing performance of Taiko drumming, spending the afternoon attending a wonderful school reception/bruncheon (great spring rolls, Thai peanut chicken, a noodle dish of some kind, and mini quiches), going to a crab feed (which included eating on a table covered with newspapers to catch all the drippings), playing a little DDR (fairly badly) after diner, then getting my Halo2 on, and coming within 3 of winning (really good for me, since my presence usually just means a fragfest for everyone else). Oh yes, after dinner, for some reason, several of my friends decided to make faces for my camera. That was amusing, and best yet, I have photographic evidence.
Yesterday I had an excellent dinner at the Westin's Soleil restaurant, and earlier in the day, I spent a little while watching some guys on campus do some great juggling. Best of all, I got pictures of just about all of this stuff, some of which are pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. Little bit of video too, which when I figure out how to host I will link.
Okay, that'll do it for now. Pics should be coming in a day or two.
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