June 17, 2005

Went and played poker for the first time tonight. Bruce has invited me before - the guys meet up on Thursdays to play - and finally today worked out. Everyone laughed when we started - I was saying how I didn't know how to play and I needed the card order of winning explained to me, and I ended up getting a straight on my first hand. I then proceeded to win like 8 of the next tens hands. I was betting on every hand, and every one else was folding, so most of those hands I won by default. I thought you were at least supposed to wait for the flop before you folded (we were playing Texas Hold'em), so that's what I was doing - everyone else though, if they didn;t like their first two cards, they folded. Live and learn I guess. I did alright though - there were eight of us there, and I was the fourth one out. Basically, I went tonight to learn how to play and to learn how they all played. Now I know, so maybe next time I will do better. Bruce ended up winning the pot, which he was happy about since he hadn't won since they started playing at Sam's new house. Pretty nice place, but I'd prefer a place with more yard if possible. Really though, I'd take anything I could. The housing market is getting so crazy - I don't know how I'll ever get a place. It will have to be God I guess, because I don't have the money for it.

Life after school is not so easy to get back into. I need to be better disciplined and work more, that's for sure. (Oh yeah, graduation was this last Sunday, and my birthday was Monday - good times - lots of people came down for the graduation - something like 45 people.) Time will tell what will happen with me next.

I feel like I should be more spiritual on here, like this other person I know whose blogs are quite inspiring, but I just don't have much God stuff going on in my life at the moment, at least not stuff that I'm aware of. I did get a couple of good books as gifts though, which are on my reading list now - C.S. Lewis's "Poems" and Bonhoeffer's "The Cost of Discipleship." More than reading though, I need to live out. Knowledge is plentiful; action on knowledge is rare. Well, consistent, continued, conscientious action is anyway. I just want to be all that I was made to be, that's all. I don't have any burning desire or passion in my at the moment though, and haven't for a while. I guess that would be what I would wish for at this moment (see last month's blog...) - passion, desire, drive - things I want and need, but don't have much of. I do what is before me simply because it is before me. That's how I am now, at least, and have been for a while. I want something more though - I want so much more.

Well, stuff to do, sleep to get.
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