January 05, 2006

Just saw this over at Wizwow's blog. I think it's an older post, but somehow I missed it. Anyway, he does great photography work and has some really beautiful models. I aspire to such talent and ability. Anyway, another one of those fun little quizzes.

Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Shakespeare: Sonnets.

"Everyone has heard of you, and almost everybody can find something touching in you. You are calm and control yourself, even though your wisdom and your messages are no lesser than those of others."
Well, that was fun. Every once in a while I'll play along and do one of these little quizzes. Usually, they hit me fairly accurately, or at least what they cover is accurate. I don't really ever learn anything from them, but I'm not sure that you're supposed to, really. On this one, I know not everyone has heard of me, my writing, or my photography. Yet. The world is still young though.
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