September 04, 2007


Labor Day

Today was a day for working outside. That included building a raised flower bed, moving about a yard and a half of dirt, and planting several things, including an orange tree, a hibiscus, and the aforementioned flower bed, as well as creating a water reclamation system to make use of the AC condensation runoff. Also did some more work painting the bird bath properly - still have to do a lot of highlighting and detail work but have most of the base coats on now - and wiring up a hanging light for the gazebo-tent outside. That last project I was stymied on as I could not find any electrical tape. Did most of the projects that I wanted to, except for patching the holes on the other small pond, or doing any work on my new websites.
That's right - I haven't mentioned it yet, but I finally took the plunge and plunked down the money to get an honest-to-goodness photography website up and running (and selling!). It's really an investment experiment - I get one year at half price (it always pays to look for coupons before buying anything online), in which I will see if having the website will be profitable or not. I just need to get stuff posted now - which will take quite some time, I know. But this is what I really want to do, so I need to make the commitment to it and act on it. Wishing and thinking doesn't get anything done, only actual action does. I'm kind of at a loss as to how I want the site to look, or how I will make it, but I'll figure that out as I go along. You have to love all the tutorials you can find online for just about anything. Have a few sites that I've noted as having layouts that I like, but will have to see what and how much I will be able to integrate into the setup that smugmug uses. I will make sure to post on here when I have the sites up and running. Anyway, I, as usual, need to get going. I still have to shower all the dirt of from working outside today, and get to bed - down on campus tomorrow, so will be getting up very early. I do have two leads on places to check out for jobs. hopefully I'll have some good news on that front shortly.
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